Friday, May 13, 2016

Week 5

Unfortunately I went another week with out Herbalife. 

But with the help of some new friends who have been teaching me new recipes and cooking for me. I gained weight this week!!!


Right at this very moment I am putting an order in for Herbalife. 

This week I tried not to stress to hard that I did not have my shakes. I made sure to just keep healthy and keep eating and enjoy life. 

I think that is another thing that can hinder whether you lose, gain or maintain weight. If you stress over it to much and over think it. 

Trying to make this not only a routine but just fitting it in my life as if it is a perfect piece to my puzzle. 

It was so nice to just focus on my life and family rather then stress over gaining. Still enjoying my day to day. 

I do need to get back into working out. But all in all it is just nice to have come back down from this stress of gaining. To just hanging out with my family and making new friends and still having time to be me and not be lost inside my head. 

So keep up with family and friends and enjoy life as you work on weight. Don't let it stress you out. 

You want to still enjoy being yourself and slowly merge into the new self that you are becoming week to week. 

So today I am 111.4lbs. 

Once again no pictures. Hopefully next week I can get back in that. 

I have check out this site called

They have work outs for parents that you can do all while holding and interacting with your baby. 

Great great stuff. I am definitely going to incorporate that into my workouts. 

Friday, May 6, 2016

Week 4

So I went a week with out Herbalife. 

We had bills and rent due and I forgot to order it....AAAAH!

But that brings me to a good subject for this week. 


It can be hard to do. Especially if you get sick or your kids or loved ones aren't feeling well. You can forgot to drink your shake. Or you just lose focus and get off track. 

It can be hard to start a new routine, let alone keep it up. For instance to keep me on track, even before I started Herbalife, I had to set an alarm for every 2 hours to tell me to find something to eat. To keep eating high protien healthy foods as often as possible. 

Doing this week without Herbalife I had to do it again. I had to set reminders so I could try to gain weight or atleast maintain it. 

I didn't do any exercises because I didn't want to lose weight...I feel like I still should have exercised though, because a week without a workout has probably reset my body and now I have to get used to the work out again...dun dun dun...

So with all that said, I am happy to report that I did maintain my weight!!!!


I do not have pictures to post today. But I am just so happy to see that I was able to maintain my weight. Because I am eventually going to have to try and maintain it once I reach my goal weight. 

Keep going stay focused and don't fall back. It is hard but soon it'll just become part of your daily life and you won't have to set reminders. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Week 3

-Exercising doesn't have to break the bank-

So once you get your mind set on starting to get healthy and get into a workout routine, there may be other factors that will hinder you from starting. 

Usually the cost of working out. Equipment, work out clothes, blenders, healthy food, Herbalife, water bottles...and anything else you could possibly think to stop you from starting.

It is hard to not come up with a reason or excuse to start getting fit or getting healthy. It is a process, mentally, emotionally, physically and financially. 

I have learned a few things through out the years for starting then stopping my goals of getting healthy. 

First off you don't need super fancy work out gear. Start slow, I have a few Dumbbells. But yes they can get pricy the heavier the weights get. I just buy mine from Walmart. As I need or as I go. 

But if you have weight scale at home maybe just find some empty containers to fill with water or sand to make weights until you can go buy some. 

You don't need cute fancy work out clothes. You are going to sweat in them anyways. Even if you are running. You aren't doing this for the people around. You need to be doing this for yourself. 

There are ways to use the things around you in your home to exercise. Triceps Dips you can do on a chair or end table, supported pull up can be done under a sturdy table, push ups you can use a floor and so on...You have a plethora of information at your finger tips. Look up things on the Internet.

You do need decent running shoes. You can start off basic. But if you are going to be running races and marathons you should save up for a good pair of running shoes. My running shoes cost me a little over $100. But my feet and body thanked me. Test out shoes, ask questions, try on as many as possible. If you are going to be spending a lot of money on them you want them to fit and feel comfortable. There are also different ways to lace and tie your shoe laces that will help your shoe not to slip down at the back or make your toe feel like it is sliding forward in your shoe. Again ask questions and do research!

Healthy body or none healthy body costs money. But being healthy is cheaper and definitely better in the long haul. Verses having to pay doctor bills or ER bills or paying for the cost of just feeling awful because your body has no energy or you can't preform your job, or in my case, my breastfeeding son wasn't getting what he needed since I wasn't eating healthy, my house was a mess because I had no energy and I was getting depressed and my wedding dress is to big and I can't alter it yet. 

Take little steps into getting healthy. A little goes a long way. 

So one of my other money savers. If you already have a blender...what for it...You can easily turn it into Magic Bullet! 

What!? Yes you can!

Most blenders pieces can screw on the top of a mason jar. We buy Classico spaghetti which are a standard mason jars and hold up to 16oz of liquid. I also have some jelly jars from my local market that I kept to use as cups and they are mason jars as well and hold 8-10oz of liquid and are perfect for my shakes. 

So below you will find pictures of my jars and my blender. 

My blender is old school but hey it works great. And mason jars are easy to get even if you want just 2. Craft stores and grocery stores sell them and some even come with straws and handles. 

So there you have it, drink right from the jar no pouring over from a big bulky blender or having to try to clean it, easy to just rinse off the blades, enjoy your drink, rinse your cup and move on with your day. 

And last but not least

My weight in and Picture progress. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Week 2

This week was hard. 

Being a mom of 3 and running errands or  tending to a teething 10mo can take a toll on your motivation to prep meals and exercise and just take care of yourself when you are exhausted.

I think the hardest part of my day is lunch time. I want/need something hearty but quick. And I am slacking in the food department on that. 

I am also a bit of a picky eater. Trying to prepare meals with kids and schedules and just being tired is not what I want to do with my day. Very stressful. 

I have a few friends helping me come up with food ideas. So all in all things are doing well. 

I am not working out with anyone or have anyone that can relate to trying to gain weight. So it has been a little tough pushing myself. I just keep looking at my wedding dress and telling myself I need to fit into it and be healthy. 

So before you start out, try finding motivation. Maybe record yourself telling yourself not to give up. Have visual motivation and maybe try to find some friends to keep you going. 

Also try to get a meal prep thing going and make a list of meals you like and foods you enjoy so you never run out. Also make sure it is healthy. 

I have been boiling enough eggs for the week about 7 or more depending on if my son wants to devour just as many as me. So I know I have a quick source of protein to eat if things get tough or busy throughout my day. 

Frozen veggies to heat up. Doesn't take to long. You can find organic frozen produce. Just takes some looking bI love asparagus and broccoli and that is a quick side for me. 

I have been pre cooking all my ground meat, seasoning it and then freezing it. So it is cooked and ready to go in any meal. Easier to thaw already cooked meat. Rather then thaw and cook then add. 

Plus sometimes you can just pull it out frozen and add it to a meal. Less cleanup no worry of cross contamination since it is already cooked. 

If that doesn't make sense, look up pre cook ground meat then freeze. 

I am also learning about crockpot meals and the amazing -crockpot liners- if you don't know what those are either, google it as well, they are a God send!

I also made up a small list of quick meals and such I enjoy to help me through my lunch time slump and I even do brunch ideas. Because who doesn't like breakfast style foods!

The shakes are still great I will post a picture of what I bought for my first month through Herbalife. The items I purchased was because that is all I could really find online that people said worked on gaining weight. Like I said people usually aren't trying to gain weight. So finding out how to gain weight in a healthy way was tough. 

Two friends vouched for this product to lose weight. So I figured I would give it go to gain weight since it was meant for both that and maintaining. Along with good diet and exercise program <---I can't stress that enough. Good diet and exercise! To lose, gain or maintain. This isn't going to transform your body while you sit on the couch. It is meant to help you get the extra calories, vitamins and protein you need in a quick shake without trying to figure out how to eat full portions that would fill you up within few bites. The shakes give you more if what you need. You still need to do your part to stay physically fit and eating healthy. 

Well with all that said, here is my weekly weight in. 

109.2lbs today! Progress!!!
And also some pictures to go along with it. Again I am trying to gain weight but also get toned. So hope to see my belly become smaller but my thighs, arms, butt and chest get more muscle and weight. 

Slow and steady wins the race! Wedding dress here I come!

It is a wonderful feeling to see my tummy already toning and seeing the weight gain in the scale. That is a big motivation boost!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Week 1

Well week one is here. 

I am 107.6lbs a little gain...slow and steady wins the race!

No picture this week but there is a recipe below for a yummy shake. Enjoy!

The shakes taste great! The Herbalife flavor I bought is the Non GM Vanilla. I also bought the personalized protein powder and the Mango flavor Aloe. 

I will drink three shakes combined with protein powder and one dose of the Aloe in the morning. To add close to 600+/- calories to my diet a day. Along with three healthy meals and exercising twice a week until I get used to working out. 

Eating my average amount of calories is hard work, let alone trying to consume even more to gain. So Herbalife shakes are quick easy and healthy to get those extra vitamins,calories and protein into my body. I am still breastfeeding and that also burns calories. So I have a lot going against me with upping my calorie intake because running after kids is a calorie burner too. 

Gaining weight is a lot of is not just about stuffing my face. It is about healthy meals and taking care of myself and I don't want to clog my arteries with junk. 

I will be doing compound exercises. I have a YouTube video that I will be following and working off of to help me gain muscle and just be physically fit. So that I don't gain weight in the wrong places. 😉

My favorite shake recipe, since I am slightly lactose is:

8oz of Simply Mango/Orange Juice
2scoops shake
2TBS protien
Few pieces of frozen mango
3TBS chia seeds (since I am losing protien not drinking milk)
Mango aloe (morning)

Blend that all up and it taste like an Orange Julius!

You can check out the workout video here

Time Flys!

Wow I am way past being pregnant. 

My third child, a little boy, is now 9 months old, almost 10 months, his name is Jensen. 

He is already crawling fast and pulling himself up to stand. 

He has 5 teeth already and loves to eat. 

The labor and birth was intense but Justin and I worked together and pulled through it and he was an unmedicated natural child birth. It was wild. One push and he was out and the doctor almost didn't catch him he came out so fast. Hahahah!

Anyways. I am starting up my blog again so I can try and track and also post a review about Herbalife. I am not a Herbalife consultant but my friend is. Then one of my other friends backs it as well but is not a consultant. So I want to give it a go. 

I lost a lot of weight and I am training to gain it back so I can fit into my wedding dress and not have to worry up altering it to much. The first fit was perfect...but after losing a lot of weight it is swallowing me up...

So today is my first day of Herbalife. I am working out twice a week, Monday and Thursday's. 

I bought a new digital scale that measures weight, hydration, BMI and body fat. 

Today I weighted in at 106.8lbs, hydration was 54.6%, BMI is 19.1 and body fat is 25.0%

My goal is to get to 120lbs by August for my first dress fitting and I hope it is fitting snug again. 

I will be posting weekly pics and my weight as well as other hints and tips as I go along and talk about what I have learned. 

Hoping this will help someone in the future that needs to gain weight.