Monday, February 25, 2013

A spur of the moment hike!

I woke up this morning with my son very early and then headed to work. No other plans for the day other then to get an electric breast pump.

After picking up Jazzy from school my friend was going to go hiking with a new friend of hers.

I didn't want to waste away the day inside. The weather was a lovely and I made a spur of the moment decision to go hiking as well.

I was not fully prepared as the weather became chilled quickly...and defiantly was not prepared for the hike that was soon to come.

With my Ergo baby carrier I was able to conquer the hike and the insane steep steep incline of a massive rock.

I made it to the top of the Chickies Ridge rock near the Susquehanna River. It was a great triumph and my daughter even made it to the top as well. Nervous scared and cold but she fought through and hiked like a pro!

Here are some pictures from the spur of the moment hiking adventure.

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