Monday, February 18, 2013

Cloth Diapering Adventures - Chapter 1 - How I got interested in it

So one of my best friends sent me a link to an article that was in the news paper. It was about Cloth Diapering (CD). Which is something we do as well as Elimination Communication (EC).

So I figured I would take a few blogging days and talk about it and how I got into it and what works for me.

How I got into CD

So before I had my daughter I was kinda interested in it but never really had time to research it. Plus her father was not into it so it was a no from the get go.

Then as she started getting older I looked into more since she would be potty training I wanted to try and start early but early to me was 1 year old and they didn't have undies for kids that her age so I tried finding a CD that would work for her...but again research took time and I just ended up with going with what society thought was a good time for potty training.

Around her 2nd birthday I started looking into it again and fell upon a website about ECing but never really got into that even though it made since. It's kinda hard to do with carpet everywhere and her father was not very supportive. When we were potty training her and out shopping he would let her go in her pull ups instead of taking her to a bathroom. Very that is money being pooped on since we have to continue buying more when she could have just flushed it and put on her unsoiled pull up. ARGG! (BTW Jazmine has a different father then Josh. Justin is her awesome loving kind responsible stepfather!)


So she never got outta disposable diapers (pooping on money and throwing it away-which never goes away because it just goes into a giant trash pile that takes forever to decompose) until sometime after 3 years old.

So while Jazmine grew older I missed having a baby and would just randomly research baby stuff and then got into the CDing  mode again mostly because they are just the cutest things ever!!!

A friend of mine also had a baby shower and she was planning on using gdiapers to CD and I could not get over how cute CD bottoms looked!

I even looked into thirsties duo wraps that were just as cute a diaper that grew with your baby.

I was still with Jazmines father at the time. But he was no interested in having anymore kids.

And then life moved on from there and I would randomly research it and educate myself in CD.

ECing came way later after I separated with Jazmines father and found and amazing man - Justin!

We started trying for a baby but before that we talked alot about our plans of what we would choose to do and things of that nature and I got back into baby mode and then the true CD and ECing learning and practice came into play.

So anyways

Here is the article my friend sent me.

Diapering Decisions - Lancaster's Mulberry Street Diaper Co.

Well stay tuned for Chapter 2 of my Cloth Diapering Adventures.

My gdiapers and my lil man wearing his gdiaper.

Have you ever thought of cloth diapering? Have you ever wanted to try ECing or even heard of it?

Let me know and if you have any questions ask me and I will try to help answer!

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