There are times when they can be not so good once they have passed or been achieved.
A milestone in my life,that will be with me forever, is my daughters father.
After graduation and moving out on my own I became pregnant. We rushed into marriage...but I did love him in the beginning. But it all faded away. We did not know each other that well. Though I tried to keep that fire going. He did not meet me half way.
The wedding the marriage and my beautiful daughter was a great experience. But the marriage only lasted 3 years.
It was hard thinking of where to go and what to do. But with all things we move and learn.
My daughter has been such a gift to me. I love her dearly. Watching her grow up and go to school and make friends has been such a wonderful journey for me.
The biggest milestone recently for her has been graduating kindergarten!!! Wow!! I still can believe it.
She is a big sister. She is losing her teeth! So much has changed.
My lovely son and his wonderful Daddy have also been great milestones for me. I am a mother of two. I have a girl and a boy now. I now also have an amazing boyfriend who has been there for me and supported me through the past three years. He is such a great Dad to both my kids!!!
My son is achieving such fun baby milestones. Rolling, army crawling and he is now pulling himself up and standing. He is learning so quickly.
I love my lil family. They have been and still are such a great joy to have in my life. Silly, cute, cuddly and all mine.
And there are still more milestones to log and keep track of for years to come.